A bunch of swirls on a dark background

Broken Shards Plot

The Low-Level Campaign


This game has concluded, and is no longer running. Our new game, Thevran, begins in August, so join us for that, if you like!

A spore dryad holds up two swords, photo by Barb

Broken Shards Plot

The Broken Shards is our secondary campaign in Portland. It is a low-level campaign, meaning you can't bring in high level characters (or you have to squish them down using the freeplay database). It's definitely a campaign on hard-mode, as there are few life spells and almost no magic items. Once you get to your death count, you're probably going to resurrect. That being said, there isn't much power disparity between the new players and the experienced players, so some people might prefer to start in this campaign. Be advised, it's a bit horror-themed at the moment, but that may change soon.

In the Broken Shards (BroS) campaign, the players started as normal folk living in the small town of Wagonslist. A magical disaster struck and they appeared in the realm known as the Broken Shards. This realm has given them many challenges - from Breaker Gangs who are looking for different magic items and powers to traverse the Shards, to the Imperium, a civilization that has grown up within the Broken Shards - but the players have mastered each one.

Recently, the players have been faced with a decision: to stay in the safety of the Imperium in the town of New Wagonslist or return to their home shard of Wagonslist and try to restore the shard as they have done for several other shards. The players chose by VERY close vote to return to Wagonslist and attempt to restore their own home. Now, after much time away, they have returned and are laying down roots and trying to solve their problems.

Culture Packets

To get the culture packets for Broken Shards, please email brokenshardsplot@refugelarpportland.com.

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