A bunch of swirls on a dark background

Staff Role Policy

All about our staff roles

We believe strongly in being transparent about what staff do and how they are rewarded. If you have questions about this list, please Contact Us, and we'll do our best to answer your questions. If you're interested in learning more about the people in these roles, go check out our meet the staff page. If you'd like to learn more about joining the team and taking on a role, please contact the owners using the email below. We are always looking for more help, so even if the role is currently filled, reach out! You might be just what we need!

Please note that holding multiple NPC positions can never result in a greater number of XP blankets than the number of days at the event, not counting the National blanket.

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All Staff Members


  • Attend all Refuge LARP Portland events unless notice is given before pre-registration is closed or in the event of an emergency.
  • Adhere to and enforce all Refuge LARP Portland policies and procedures.
  • Promote an open, safe and inclusive environment for all of our players regardless of race, gender, sexuality, creed, et cetera.




  • Choosing Head of Plot and approving any and all positions of the staff members.
  • Determining rewards for staff members.
  • Determining rewards for all fundraisers and drives.
  • Manage finances to keep the game running and active.
  • Deciding when and if a player will be banned.
  • Pay dues.
  • Oversee the transmission of Refuge Points from the national organization.


  • Waived event fee
  • 240 CP per month

General Manager and Assistant General Manager



  • Maintain the overall health of the game.
  • Assist Logistics with maintaining an accurate count of money in the cash box
  • Reports to the Owner if there are concerns that the game is not operating in an efficient and healthy manner.
  • May offer candidates to the owner for any and all staff positions.
  • When a crisis arises must drop from playing and deal with said crisis in a timely manner.
  • Reserve sites and pay site fees.
  • Site check in / check out.
  • Assist owner in resolving any issues or conflict with staff.
  • Collect cash box from logistics at the end of game.


  • 150 CP per month
  • 30 CP per logistics period per game attended




  • Handle any and all pre-registration of PCs, NPCs, Magic item, Battle boards, and Production.
  • Ensure all PCs and NPCs are checked in and have paid prior to the start of the event.
  • Report the number of PCs and NPCs to the GM, AGM, and owners for the event.
  • Be responsible for the cash on hand to be kept safe and secure for the event.
  • Maintain the PC database and answer any player questions pertaining to it.
  • Notify the New Player Representative and Player Representative(s) of new players attending the event.
  • Reconcile event experience, deaths, spirit forges, ritual scrolls used, and reagents used.
  • Process Chapter Point awards and spending.
  • Distribute staff rewards.
  • Ensure legal releases are signed and stored.
  • Manage Cabin List assignments and maintain a list of players who have requested to stay in electric cabins for medical reasons
  • Send list of pre-registered meal plan participants.


  • 200 CP per month
  • 75 CP per logistics period per game attended

Head of Plot




  • Review all plot team applications.
  • Determine and maintain a number of plot members that will guarantee all plot responsibilities are met.
  • Maintain communication with GM, AGM and Owner about personnel and material needs.
  • Ensure an event teaser is published to the forums and Facebook two weeks before an event.
  • Ensure downtime responses are sent no later than the Sunday before an event.
  • Provide a multifaceted overarching storyline for all campaign events to include: hooked mods and town battles.
  • Manage and delegate responsibilities to members of the plot team to guarantee fulfilment of other duties.
  • Review feedback and adjust the campaign as necessary.


  • 100 CP per month
  • 200 CP + 1 XP blanket per Logistics period per game attended
  • Access to auto cast LCS rituals
  • National NPC Blanket

Plot Members


  • Assist head of plot in the fulfilment of their duties.
  • Writing info/lair cards including, but not limited to, those revealing world and plot information.
  • Provide NPC guild with all information needed to run all info/lair cards.
  • Flesh out the setting provided with content.
  • Ensure that the Treasure Policy Manager receives all requests at least 2 weeks prior to an event.


  • 100 CP per month
  • 150 CP + 1 XP blanket per logistics period per game attended
  • Access to auto-cast LCS rituals
  • National NPC Blanket

Plot-Prentice Members


  • Assist plot in the fulfilment of their duties.
  • Writing info/lair cards including, but not limited to, those revealing world and plot information.
  • Ask questions to learn how to be a better plot member.
  • Flesh out the setting provided with content.


  • 90 CP per month
  • 125 CP + 1 XP blanket per logistics period per game attended
  • Access to auto-cast LCS rituals
  • National NPC Blanket

NPC Guild Boss


  • In charge of managing the running of all info/lair cards.
  • Network with plot and NPC Coordinator to have NPCs ready for any plot driven events that are planned for the event.
  • Send out random NPCs/monsters to interact/harass the PCs if the event is experiencing a lull and monster camp is not preparing for a town fight.
  • Properly scale mods to different groups.
  • Distribute monster cards to NPCs.
  • Work with plot to help other guild members understand their role.
  • Comfortable with playing a wide range of monster cards, including “Lieutenants.”
  • Assist with the distribution of monster cards to NPCs.


  • 175 CP + 1 XP blanket per logistics period per game attended
  • Access to auto cast LCS rituals
  • National NPC Blanket

Monster Camp Caretaker


  • Ensure monster camp is unpacked and organized Friday evening by 8pm.
  • Collect and re-organize monster cards from NPCs after a mod.
  • Ensure monster camp stays clean and organized.
  • Ensure monster camp is packed up and ready to go at the end of the event.


  • 175 CP + 1 XP blanket per logistics period per game attended
  • Access to auto cast LCS rituals
  • National NPC Blanket

NPC Guild Members


  • Be comfortable with playing a range of monster cards.
  • Be comfortable running small mods.
  • Help keep monster camp clean and organized.
  • Work with Plot to understand their roles and how they can facilitate the vision of Plot’s story.
  • Ensure monster camp is packed up and ready to go by the end of the event.
  • Comfortable playing RP characters as needed.
  • Be willing to teach rules to the non-Guild NPCs.


  • 125 CP + 1 XP blanket per logistics period per game attended
  • Access to auto cast LCS rituals
  • National NPC Blanket

Non-Guild NPCs


  • Be willing to learn the rules of the game. (We'll do the teaching!)
  • Have as good an attitude as you can manage.
  • Be ready to have a good time.
  • Be willing to play a variety of RP and combat roles. (There are places in our game for people unwilling to play combat roles, or unwilling to RP, but you'll still be asked to play multiple versions of whatever you want to do that weekend. ;) )


  • 90 CP + 1 XP Blanket per logistics period per game attended
  • National NPC Blanket

New Player Council



  • Help new players with standard new player questions
  • Assist new players in building their PCs (if applicable)
  • Point new NPCs in the direction of plot resources and, if necessary/possible, give them an introduction to plot members directly
  • Meet every new player at check in and help explain what their tags, loot, etc are for and how the check-in process works
  • Explain the culture of the Refuge PDX game (with help from online resources) and give new players tools for cultural success, such as encouraging them to create characters that will have fun in the meta
  • During game, offer yourself as a resource both OOG and IG (as much as is reasonable) to answer questions, provide assistance, and help players integrate into and feel welcome within the game space
  • Engage in recruitment efforts to bring new players into the game
  • Meet with new players in some fashion after the game to get feedback on their experience and what can be improved from as many perspectives as possible
  • Share feedback with owners, plot, and staff about new player experiences and how to improve new player retention, if possible
  • Be active on Discord, Facebook, the Forums and the New Player Rep email address
  • Members of the Council are encouraged to divide this work up between themselves as is appropriate to ensure it is all done well and fairly


  • 105 CP per month
  • 45 CP per logistics period per game attended

Player Representative


  • Be an advocate for players when they have comments or concerns about the game or other PCs.
  • Manage player feedback forms and forwards all submissions to the GM and AGM.
  • Notifies Logistics of who had provided feedback so logistics can give CP out to the PCs.
  • Immediately will go out of game to resolve player issues brought up during game.


  • 60 CP per month
  • 30 CP per logistics period per game attended

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Coordinator



  • Work with staff when microaggressions are brought up.
  • Be an advocate for players of colour and players from marginalized groups in regards to potential microaggressions or insensitive material that might be brought into game via either staff or player actions.
  • Look for ways to improve the experience of different marginalized groups in our game and bring suggestions to the rest of staff.
  • Contribute to discussions about disciplinary action when diversity issues are the problem.
  • Monitor a public email address and forward concerns to player rep and leadership council as they appear.
  • Immediately go out of game to resolve player issues brought up during game.


  • 60 CP per month
  • 30 CP per logistics period per game attended

Head of Rules


  • Ensure players and staff are aware and have access to any rule changes.
  • Keep up on national rules changes/clarifications and make sure our local policies comply.
  • Can be called on to make a judgement call on the rules and has final say on the rule in question.
  • Help answer rules questions on the forums, Facebook and Discord.
  • Provide testing for potential marshals.
  • Work with staff with regards to rules violations and punishment (if applicable.)


  • 45 CP per month
  • 30 CP per logistics period per game attended

RRC Representative


  • Keep Owners and Head of Rules (HoR) apprised of proposed changes to the Refuge rules.
  • Participate in conversations in the RRC.
  • Represent the interests of the Owners and HoR in RRC discussions.


  • 30 CP per month

Rules Marshals


  • Know the rules of alliance to the best of their ability.
  • Help answer rules questions on the forums, Facebook and Discord.
  • Make rules clarifications at game.
  • Make judgement calls on the spirit of rules if needed.
  • Perform weapon safety checks.
  • Perform armor evaluations.
  • Marshal rituals as needed (Ritual Marshals only).
  • Rogue marshal as needed (NPC Marshals preferred).


  • 30 CP per logistics period per game attended

Treasure Policy Manager


  • Ensure all production and reagent loot is prepared for each event.
  • Maintain a supply of phys-reps for each reagent type.
  • Place potion and contact poison tags in vials, when available.


  • 75 CP per logistics period of the game prepared

Head of Deco


  • Decorate the PC common area and set up/take down any site deco such as permanent circles or signs.
  • Be responsible for making sure deco is stored and put away at the end of the event.
  • Lead planning of crafting or purchasing of deco.


  • 30 CP per month
  • 30 CP per logistics period per game attended

NPC Chef


  • Provide a menu that accommodates food allergies mentioned in pre-registration.
  • Buy the food for the meal plan working within the budget.
  • Ensure food and equipment are transported to site.
  • Prepares the food for the meal plan for the event.
  • Keep the kitchen clean. Can enlist people to help clean up the kitchen at any point during the event.


  • Free weekend event
  • Free meals for weekend
  • 75 CP per logistics period per game attended
  • Access to auto cast LCS rituals

Discord Admin


  • Maintains Discord server and notifies AGM/GM/Owner if there are any concerns within the player base about the game.
  • Ensures content follows all Refuge LARP Portland policies.
  • Manage channels and remind people when they are getting off topic for a specific channel.


  • 30 CP per month

Web Admin


  • Maintain Website and updates website with any new information including staff members and events.


  • 30 CP per month
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