A bunch of swirls on a dark background

Lair and Info Cards Cards

Interacting with the World at Game

Lair Cards and Info Cards

Lair Cards and Info Cards are encounters that you can find throughout the game site. They appear as pieces of paper stuck in sheet protectors. Some may be obvious and easy to find, others may be a little more concealed. These are a way to represent events out in the world that players can find and interact with, such as a random monster attack, a caravan that has been burned to the ground, or even ruins.

Info Cards

Info Cards generally don't have combat. They also don't usually require you to go to Monster Camp for any reason, although some might for an RP situation or to let Plot know what you're up to. They provide flavour and simple information for the world and what might be going on in the event. You may find Info Cards that give you treasure if you have specific skills or Trades, or even give you pieces to solve puzzles later in the event.

Info Cards will have requirements on them, and if you meet those requirements, you can flip the Info Card over and read that section on the back. It will give you some flavour text and may give you some directions as well.

Some Info Cards may have negative outcomes if you aren't careful, such as taking small amounts of damage or getting cursed with a disease. These will almost NEVER be "go immediately to the circle and take a death on your card." That just ain't fun.

Lair Cards

Lair Cards are usually very active. They may be puzzles or combat, but they look very different from the Info Cards, and you will want friends with you to engage. They follow the colour system listed below in our main campaign:

Essentially they go from think-ier to smash-ier from purple to red, although most mods will have a variety of ways to interact with them.

Here is the thing – some chapters require the entire group to go out to the Lair Card marker before going to monster camp. We’re not going to. If at least one person in your group has seen the marker, your group can come straight to monster camp. Also, if you’re just entirely uninterested in wandering the trails, but you have a group that would like to run a mod, you can come down to Monster Camp and we’ll work something out.

Please note that not all types of Lair Cards will be available at all games. We generally only write 4-5 of the 7, so you might not be able to just grab a puzzle mod whenever you want to. Sorry! We're doing our best with limited time and volunteer hours! Try again next time! :)

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