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Packing List

What to bring to LARP

Packing for Game

LARPing is one part "glamping", one part Dungeons and Dragons game, and one part period drama from a packing perspective.

This page contains extensive suggestions for packing, and lists are separated into General, PC-specific, and NPC-specific. There's also a list of what not to bring.

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General Supplies

Our sites have cabins that fit ~8-12 people with mattresses (no bedding) and heating (not always powerful, but present), as well as bathrooms with showers and a main "tavern" building with a full kitchen. In general, when packing everyone will need to account for how they're going to eat, sleep, deal with the outdoors/weather, and stay safe on an out of game (OOG) level. When it comes to fulfilling those needs looking "In Genre" is nice, but your safety & wellbeing is more important.

Universal Necessities

  • Bedding - Pillow(s), Sleeping Bag or Blanket & Sheets, Pajamas.
  • Good Outdoor Shoes - Prioritize comfort, ankle support, and waterproofing.
  • Socks - ~2 pairs per day.
  • Undergarnments
  • Comfy Street Clothes - For Travel, Afters, etc.
  • Hydration - Water Bottle, Sports Drinks, etc.
  • Food (If you're not on a Meal Plan) - Account for an increased caloric intake to support your body through all the physical activity.
  • Toiletries - Deoderant, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Hairbrush, Tampons/Pads etc.
  • Emergency/Healthcare Info - Health Insurance Card, Emergency Bracelets, Emergency Contact Info, etc.
  • Cell Phone & Charger/Wallet/ID/Keys - Should be kept in a safe Out of Game (OOG) space during game.

Situational or Optional

  • Light Source - Dimmed/Red Flashlight, Electric Candle/Torch, Glow Sticks, "Magical" Glowing Orb/Crystal, etc.
  • First Aid Supplies - Painkillers, Moleskin, Bandages, Pepto-Bismol, etc.
  • Quality of Life Supplies - Bug Spray, Sunscreen, Earplugs/Headphones, Foot Powder/Baby Powder, Hand Sanitizer, Lotion, Wet Wipes, Chapstick, Hand Warmers/Gloves, Batteries/Chargers for Light Sources, Safety Pins, Sewing Kit, Whistle, String, Wrist/Pocket Watch
  • Shower Supplies - Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, Towels, Shower Footwear
  • Tent Camping Supplies - Tent, Stakes, Hammer/Mallet, Rain Shield, Extra Warm Bedding, etc.
  • Medications - Pills, Insulin, Epipens, Allergy Meds, etc.
  • Glasses/Contact Lenses & Solution
  • CPAP or APAP & Batteries
  • Specialty Cooking Equipment - Site kitchens should have all basic supplies, but specialty equipment (ex: cast iron, rice cooker) may need to be brought from home.
  • Extra Padding for Bed
  • In-Genre Parasol/Umbrella/Fan or Hat
  • Backups - Spare Glasses, Footware, Jacket, Socks & Underwear, etc.
  • White OOG Headband/Page Headband
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PC Supplies

The Basics

Above & Beyond

These are ideas and suggestions that might add flavor/immersion, make your character seem more fleshed-out and lived-in, serve as conversation starters and opportunities to initiate fun RP, or in some other way improve your general quality of life at game.

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NPC Supplies

  • Theater Blacks/Neutral Base Clothes - Several weather-appropriate changes of base clothes to layer NPC garb over. Avoid Blue Jeans and Logos if Possible.
  • Black Hoodie or Coat
  • Character Statement Pieces (Optional) - Monster Camp provides basic garb, but NPCs are welcome to bring their own special items to add extra flavor to their characters.
  • Mini Notebook & Pen - For tracking which of your characters did what.
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What Not to Bring

Things can get lost, broken, or occasionally even stolen from our game (usually by random people who wander on site). You won't need these items during the course of our game, so best to leave them at home, or at least safely locked in your car:

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